Also on view at the larger Deitch space on Wooster Street is Tauba Auerbach's Here And Now/And Nowhere (Look! The title's an anagram!). Featuring works that are "structured around the threshold between order and randomness," Auerbach explores the state between two and three dimensionality, the past and present, being here and there and both simultaneously, and randomness versus determinism.
Auerbach's works include two large-scale, white canvases covered in black dots. Though dizzying, if studied from afar, the Crumple Paintings give the illusion of a crumpled surface. The artist's Fold Paintings consist of six canvases varying in color and size painted with an industrial paint sprayer that gives the effect of creases and folds on the canvas and "explore the merging of a past three-dimensional state with a present two-dimensional state."
The central piece in the show (and my favorite) is The Auerglass, a massive, wooden, two-player, pump organ designed by Auerbach and Cameron Mesirow from the band Glasser. "The instrument cannot be played alone. It requires two people to play. One player has to pump in order for the other to play and vice versa. " Auerbach and Mesirow played a specially created composition on The Auerglass at the opening of Here And Now/And Nowhere on September 3rd, and Glasser will perform at the gallery on September 11th at 8:00pm, and at 5:00pm daily from Tuesday - Saturday until the exhibit ends on October 17th. Learn more at
Fold Paintings, 2009
Untitled Fold Painting III, 2009
The Auerglass
The Auerglass close-up
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