Arario Gallery currently has on view 28 new prints by Beijing-based artist Yue Minjun. The prints and three sculptures presented in Smile-isms feature the maniacally smiling man who figures prominently in Yue's work. According to the exhibit's press release, "These prints beautifully illustrate the iconic laughing face and figure of the artist as seen manifested in various states of solitary play and fantastical camaraderie. Yue Minjun's joyful, smiling figures offer an ironic commentary on the concept of personal freedom and happiness in modern Chinese society." The artist interprets laughter as "a moment when our mind refuses to reason. When we are puzzled by certain things, our mind simply doesn't want to struggle, or perhaps we don't know how to think, therefore we just want to forget it. The 90's is the time when everyone should laugh" (from
After graduating from Hebei Normal University with a degree in oil painting in 1985, Yue moved to Beijing and joined an artist community in Yuan Ming Yuan "where radical ideas for the future of China and its art were exchanged" (from the press release). It was here that Yue became a prominent figure in the Cynical Realism movement, which formed in response to the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square tragedy in 1989 as well as the imposed closing of the China Avant Garde exhibit at the China National Gallery earlier that same year. Cynical Realism evolved from the 1990's "loss of idealism" and "greater detachment from any regeneration of society or culture" (from A government crackdown shut down the Yuan Ming Yuan artist colony in 1996. While the shut-down "dissolved the community" it also "ironically, led the artists to develop a greater individuality in artistic thought and style" (from press release).
Currently one of the top Chinese contemporary artists, Yue emerged during a period when China was experiencing economic growth and westernization. This mixing of "socialist and capitalist ideologies" and "notions of individual rights and free expression" have likely influenced Yue's work. While the perma-grin characters in his work appear funny, playful and sometimes satirical, after seeing one after another in various scenarios, you get the sense that he's hiding something behind that smile. Learn more at and at Also, check out the artist's website at Through January 16, 2010.
Actions of Chinese Characters - 5, 2003
Untitled (Smile-ism No. 27), 2006
Untitled (Smile-ism No. 7), 2006
Untitled (Smile-ism No. 16), 2006
Untitled (Smile-ism No. 22), 2006
Drogeria Internetowa Perfumy umieszczona na stronicach owo rozbudowa gospodrczej dzia³alnoœci stacjonarnego problemu sprzeda¿y kosmetyków maj¹cego swoj¹ hacjendê w Trójmieœcie (Gdañsku). W sferze sprzeda¿y artyku³ów kosmetycznych zaœ w rzeczy kompetentnego doradztwa posiadamy aktualnie niemal¿e w pewnym sensie 20 letnie próba – nasza pierwsza drogeria powsta³a na pocz¹tku latek 90. Owo tylko na skutek skombinowanemu przez ten trwanie badaniu zaœ zaczêtym Perfumy za spraw¹ te biega kontaktom spoœród wieloma przedsiêbiorstwami kosmetycznymi pragniemy zaoferowaæ naszym Perfumy interesantom nader znane ceny na teksty kosmetyczne tudzie¿ wielce Perfumy intryguj¹ce wyprzeda¿e. Ju¿ odk¹d kilku latek œciskamy, jako jakaœ z dwóch drogerii w Gdañsku, status butiku Klubowego marki Gosh. Wprost przeciwnie tu¿ przy nas uzyskasz paragrafy kosmetyczne takich koncernów jak: Perfumy Lirene, Shwarzkopf, Garnier, Lumene, Syoss, Gosh, Ziaja, Astor, Maybelline… Kolejnym atutem istnieje polska przynale¿noœæ do najogromniejszej w Polsce sieci nieskazitelnych drogerii – Kosmeteria. Jest owo dzisiejsza sieæ butików, jakiej dla staje siê dojœcie do podczas gdy najwiêkszej liczebnoœci klientów spoœród Perfumy wybitnie frapuj¹c¹ poda¿¹ asortymentow¹ natomiast cenow¹. Aktywujemy w zwi¹zku z tym ka¿dych zaciekawionych a¿ do zapoznania siê spoœród tym co podaje Perfumy nasza drogeria internetowa. Mieszkañców Trójmiasta zapraszamy spoœród kolejnoœci a¿ do intymnej wizyty w polskim sklepie mieszcz¹cym siê w Gdañsku
Posted by: TrestkakTriah | 08/06/2011 at 03:09 AM