Not a whole lot going on these days — summer shows are winding down and galleries and museums are prepping for their big Fall shows. There's practically tumbleweed blowing around the streets of West Chelsea! Here are a few things to tide you over in the meantime...
~More ART (Art Reality Television) - The Ovation cable network (channel 83 for those with Time Warner) has 11 art-oriented programs on offer for those who are suffering from Work of Art withdrawal. While the shows mainly focus on art theft and heists this week, one show last week titled Money Money Money dished on the "commercialization of contemporary art" and another called Art Race featured two struggling artists racing across America in 40 days using only their talent and artwork to pay for all their needs and essentials (hopefully they'll repeat these in the near future). Alas, it seems doubtful there will be any over-the-top outfits to ogle like the ones worn by WOA's China Chow and Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn. Read the full story at
~Labor Day Weekend in the City - If you aren't joining the mass exodus heading out of the city for the long holiday weekend, you might want to take advantage of the thinner crowds at the 1st Thursdays DUMBO Gallery Walk (September 2nd) and/or the third annual Governors Island Art Fair. Organized by The 4heads Collective, the 2010 Governors Island Art Fair will occur every Saturday and Sunday from 11am-6pm throughout the month of September (from the 4th-26th). And though I don't think the crowds will be any smaller, there's PS.1's final Warm Up line-up of the summer. DFA's Holy Ghost! will perform. I guess this means summer is officially over :(
~Nick Cave's Soundsuits in Vogue - I didn't want to shell out the cash or break my back hauling around the September issue of US Vogue, but while flipping through someone else's issue I noticed an eight-page accessories spread featuring some bright and furry Soundsuits by the artist Nick Cave. The editorial is called Monsters, Inc and was shot by Raymond Meier. You can check out the images at They look like awesome, psychedelic Muppets with a taste for designer handbags and shoes.
A couple of Nick Cave's Soundsuits featured in the September 2010 Vogue