In the spirit of All Hallows' Eve, check out Mourir Aupres de Toi (To Die By Your Side), a delightful video short directed by Spike Jonze and created by designer Olympia Le-Tan (known for recreating first-edition book covers of classic titles for her wonderful collection of handbags). Featuring stop-motion animation of 3,000 charming felt pieces meticulously hand-cut and embroidered by Le-Tan, the story takes place inside a Parisian antiquarian bookstore after hours. With Jonze's signature playful, funny, and slightly dark touches, characters come alive, rip themselves off their book covers, flirt, and fall in love. It's a whimsical love story set within a perfect, enchanted storybook land. Learn more at
Happy Halloween!
Spike Jonze: Mourir Auprès de Toi on
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