On an unassuming block in Fort Greene, under the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, a series of 5 noise-activated metal gates playfully light up in response to the sounds of the busy surrounding streets. Silent Lights debuted last month at the intersection of Navy Street and Park Avenue in Brooklyn, on a pedestrian pathway situated beside a parking lot under the BQE. Created by the design studio Urban Matter, with support from the NYC DOT, the public art installation is composed of 2,400 LED lights and sound equipment. When triggered by passing street noise, the gates illuminate in colorful patterns, visualizing the noise pollution in a beautiful, serene manner.
Silent Lights brings a bit of life and color to an otherwise dark and ordinary city block. Take a stroll through the interactive work and enjoy the art of noise. Learn more at urbanmatterinc.com and watch a video of the Urban Matter team discussing the project here. Through November 2014.
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